Puerto Rico Wedding Officiant

You and your loved one have dreamt of having your wedding in a tropical paradise. After much thought about where to celebrate this special day, you have decided on Puerto Rico. Congratulations on your excellent decision!

As you begin to plan your special day, you start thinking about the actual ceremony. As you do this, you begin to worry if you can find someone who will officiate your wedding just like you want it while at the same time making sure your ceremony complies with all legal requirements.

If that is your case, you have come to the right place. At Farrant, we are available to explain to you the marriage process in Puerto Rico, craft all the legal documents needed for your marriage to be legally valid, and, learn your vision for the ceremony so we can officiate the wedding just like you dream it.

Furthermore, as an immigration attorney, Jaime can also help your spouse obtain an immigrant visa through marriage, if needed, and assist your relatives and friends in obtaining visas so they can join you in your special day.

Book Youor Consult today so you learn more about the wedding process in Puerto Rico and discuss how I can help you have the wedding you desire.

Love wins!

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